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New Amundsen Sports from Norway & Bellerose from Belgium

It’s only been a week since my last note, but I wanted to touch base before I head out to Palm Springs for week on Saturday! I’m going to do my best to relax and escape into a few books and hikes. There may be a cigar and a touch of bourbon, too!I also wanted to make mention that I’m in need of some help at Brightwater. Sadly, Molly is headed back to Park City, her home, and I need to find someone to fill her shoes — tough as that will be! I’m needing someone who’s technologically savvy enough to learn and master the POS/Inventory Network, the Shopify website, and feels comfortable on the retail floor. There’s an opportunity to assist with the...

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Mother's Day in & around the shop

  Hi All,How are you? It’s finally feeling like it’s going to warm up a bit. April was a cool one. It’s nice to see the flowering trees in full bloom! They look so beautiful in front of the house. The trees on Water Street are budding out too. Sure signs that the warmth of summer isn’t too far off! Let’s hope May brings more warmth and sun!  May also brings Mother’s Day. I tip my hat to each of you moms, grandmas, and mother-figures out there! You do an amazing job, and we’re all grateful for you! Although my mom has been gone for over 10 years, she was quite an amazing woman. I miss her. She never missed a...

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It’s been a minute, or so it seems, since I was writing about out upcoming Look Book photo shoot. It was a huge success, thanks to the hard work and shenanigans of all that were there — Erik, Paul, Tom, Nick, Wing, Deb, Anna, Bethany, and of course the incredible Eliesa Johnson photographing it all! We gathered at Camp Tanadoona with a collection of samples of next years clothing offerings, amazing libations, and food cooked over an open fire on this incredible Francis Mallmann-esque cooking apparatus (Thanks to Erik, Paul and Tom). It was stellar! We had fat tire bikes and a new Land Rover Defender (Thanks to Minneapolis Jaguar Land Rover), which added to the fun. The next Tuesday, photographer Decora Topp and a smaller collection of...

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