Shifting to Spring, Chicago and New York Market Trips & Winter Clearance



Hi there,

How are you? How’d it get to be the first of March already? Where did February go? Where did winter go?

February was a busy month for sure. It started with a trip to Chicago on the 3rd for the Chicago Men’s Collective, a great show that features offerings for next Fall/Winter. Normally I fly out Sunday, the day after the Klondike Dog Derby, and scramble to get to see all of my suppliers, as the show ends on Tuesday. This year, with the cancellation of the Klondike, I was able to get there Saturday which meant I could see all of my trusted Brightwater brands, and have time to search out new lines. I found a few that I’m teeing up so stay tuned! As per usual, we had time to catch up with old friends and enjoy great meals. We had an amazing meal at a Chicago classic that I hadn’t been to in many years: Shaw’s Crab House. It’s been around since the 80’s and has a very 1940’s vibe. Amazing seafood! Put it on your Chicago list! As with the past few visits, we stayed at the Kinzie Hotel. Close to the Merchandise Mart, where the show is, it’s a wonderful River North hotel.

After Chicago, I was back in Brightwater and began the process of writing orders and catching up on being gone. On the 10th of February, my sister Kate arrived from London for a mid- winter visit. It's always fun to have her here. She spent a few days up at the cottage, and a few days with us. The week flew by and we headed to MSP on Saturday, Kate back to London, Deb and I off to NYC, for the Women’s Fall '24 markets.

The New York markets were great. There are a host of smaller markets that have popped up around the big market at the Jacob Javits Center. Coterie, as it’s called, is a huge show, but there aren’t too many Brightwater-worthy brands there. The small shows are the ones that have the new and emerging companies that complement Brightwater. Again, new offerings were discovered and are under consideration to be added to the mix in the shop! We had dinner with an old friend from the Macalester days. Tim and his wife Karine live in the City so it’s always fun to join them at a new spot for dinner. We met them at Le Bonne Soupe, a classic French cafe in Midtown. It's been there since 1973, and was delicious! It’s an unpretentious location that we’ll go back to again. Their guiding principle is: “ici pas de chi chi,” or “there is no fuss.” Again, put it on the list!

So here we are on the 1st of March. I’ve been busy at Brightwater, writing orders and overseeing the shop's transformation to spring. It’s fun to see the start of the next season, both outdoors, and in Brightwater. We’re seeing new spring merchandise arriving almost daily. For those looking for bargains, there is a good selection of Brightwater’s winter clearance remaining. Save up to 50% or more on cashmere sweaters, jackets, parka’s, flannels!

Connie and Alex will be holding down the fort this weekend as I’m going to be up north at Giant’s Ridge skiing in the Ski Challenge Championships. It’s not been a great winter for skiing but the group that I race with always makes it fun! Wish me luck!

I hope that you have a terrific weekend too. Get outside and enjoy the warmth. Swing by Brightwater to see the new and partake in the bargains. Be kind, be helpful and take care of yourself. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Lots of Love,
- Bill

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